Toddler Health

For a toddler, every day is a new adventure — and constant motion is often the name of the game. That’s why child safety is a prime toddler health concern. Take simple precautions to prevent falls, burns and other household mishaps.

For many parents, a toddler’s limited vocabulary can lead to other toddler health concerns — such as temper tantrums.

Infant Health

It might seem that your baby learns something new every day. In fact, every experience — from cuddling before nap time to listening to a sibling’s chatter — helps your baby learn more about his or her world.

As your baby grows and changes, you might have new questions about infant health. How can you encourage your baby to sleep through the night?

Newborn Health

A newborn brings a whirlwind of activity to your life. At first, newborn care might seem limited to round-the-clock feeding, bathing, diapering and soothing — but there’s more to ensuring newborn health than these basics. Other newborn health concerns might include caring for your newborn’s skin, decoding your newborn’s cries and promoting your newborn’s development.